Child Support Legal Services
Get top quality advice if you want to establish support, modify it or cancel it.
Get top quality advice if you want to establish support, modify it or cancel it.
Common law partners or married couples separating with a child will need to consider the establishment of child support to ensure the well-being and best interest of the child or children involved. Our skilled lawyers will guide you through this process.
You’re paying or receiving child support, however, the financial situation of the parents have changed and requiring that we revisit the support amounts or even consider its cancellation. Let our knowledgeable lawyers provide you with the necessary advice so you know how to what to do.
We’ll do the necessary research and identify the critical elements of your child’s support file.
We are passionate about what we do and we strive to see the satisfaction of our clients when we conclude their legal matter.
Count on our competent advice to direct you in the best possible path considering the specifics of your matter.
Every client presents us with a unique case and with our unique approach and vision, we quickly identify resolution paths.
We will calculate support payments applicable to your case whether you are paying or receiving.
Your circumstances have changed since the support was legally established, let us guide you in modifying the child support payments.
Aside from child support, do you have special expenses that will need to be calculated reflected in the payments established by the Court?
We help you legally establish financial support based on a judgment from the Court.
We identify whether your obligations continue or a cancellation may be possible.
Want to know if an adult child can receive financial support or should assume his or her own costs? Contact us now.
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Appointments may be given outside of these hours on demand.