Hiring Child Custody Lawyers

Hiring Child Custody Lawyers

You are looking for child custody lawyers?

Perhaps you are dealing with a child custody dispute and evaluating if you should hire a child custody lawyer?

Or maybe you are just educating yourself on the benefits of hiring a child custody attorney or not.

No matter the reason, this article will help you find the answers!!

In this article, we will look at child custody disputes, how your actions and behaviour can impact the outcome of a child custody battle or legal case, when should you hire child custody lawyers and what value they will bring.

This article is divided as follows:

  1. Child custody disputes
    • Child custody disputes are emotionally draining
    • So many questions need answers
    • Child custody lawyers can steer you in the right direction
  2. Ensure you do not jeopardize your own case?
    • In a custody battle, your actions matter
    • Child custody lawyers can give you precious advice
  3. Modification to child custody and access arrangements
  4. When to hire a child custody lawyer?
    • When should you involve a child custody lawyer?
    • What situations can your child be at risk?
  5. How child custody lawyers can help you!

Let’s get started…

Child custody disputes

Child custody disputes can be extremely challenging for separating parents both emotionally and financially.

Child custody disputes are emotionally draining

Not only you must deal with the realities of your separation and all the hardships resulting from it but you must also find a way to protect your children.

As a parent, you can only think of how you can give your children the most normal life after your separation. 

No doubt, this is very difficult.

So many questions need answers 

What’s going to happen with the custody of your children?

How are we going to manage their day-to-day activities?

Who is going to pay for their expenses and how much?

So many questions need answers!

Child custody disputes, although difficult, can be managed.

Others have done it and you will too!

Child custody lawyers can steer you in the right direction 

You can overcome all your child custody disputes by working with experienced child custody lawyers.

We understand that you do not want to deal with a custody lawyer.

You had not planned for spending money on lawyers nor is it an enjoyable process!

What you should know is this.

Custody lawyers are like doctors.

Nobody wants to be sick or see a doctor, but when you have an illness, the doctor can detect the symptoms, give you a diagnostic and help you heal from it.

A child custody lawyer will do the same.

They will quickly identify your legal challenges, provide you with the legal diagnostics and provide you with the best legal solution to help you in your circumstances.

Ensure you do not jeopardize your own case?

Child custody disputes can get emotionally heated.

In a custody battle, your actions matter

When our emotions run high, we may do things or say things that can actually be detrimental for our own cause.

Don’t let that happen to you!

Make sure you find a way to cool off and avoid making rash decisions!!

Dealing with a child custody battle is not going to be easy.

It may not be over very fast either.

It is crucial that you are aware of your rights and obligations as a parent so you can make the best possible decisions for your children and ultimately for your case.

Your behaviour, your actions and the manner you handle yourself are going to potentially have an impact on what a family court may decide.

Custody lawyers can give you precious advice

The child custody order does is not rendered in a vacuum.

The judge will consider the actions and the behaviour of the parents to decide what’s best your children.

You should leverage the experience and knowledge of a child custody attorney to help you make the right decisions and to better understand the legal consequences of your actions. 

It sucks that you need to see a lawyer but it’s better than having no plan or thinking you have the right plan while you are far from it.

Modification to child custody and access arrangements

You’ve got a child custody order some time ago and now things have changed. 

What can you do to change the child custody and access orders?

You’re not sure if the changes are significant enough to justify changing the court judgment previously rendered.

What are the legal conditions a family court judge will consider to make changes to a previous custody order?

These are all important questions that you are entitled to get a clear, concise and accurate answer.

Custody lawyers are the best legal professionals to support you with this.

They understand the legal tests, the rules procedure, the court dynamics, what works and what doesn’t.

They’ve handled many child custody cases before you so they have the advantage of knowing first hand how family court judges perceive a certain set of facts and circumstances.

You should not hesitate to consult with good child custody attorneys to help you in your journey.

When to hire a child custody lawyer?

There are certain situations that will require you to immediately hire a child custody lawyer.

When should you involve a child custody lawyer?

If ever your child is at risk due to the behaviour and actions of the other parent, you should immediately get in touch with a custody attorney!!

Your child can be at risk if the other parent behaves in such a way that is detrimental to their well-being, progress and best interest.

What situations can your child be at risk?

These are some scenarios where the actions of the other parent will warrant that you speak to a lawyer:

  1. parent does not provide you access to your child without any justification
  2. parent brainwashing your child, legally called parental alienation
  3. parent intends to travel with your child to an undisclosed location or to a dangerous place
  4. parent wants to perform a highly dangerous activity that could put your child’s life at risk
  5. parent exposes your child to drugs and constant alcohol consumption 
  6. parent does not share any information about your child’s health and medical condition 
  7. parent does not consult with you in selecting a school for your child
  8. parent deliberately breaches the terms of a custody order or custody agreement
  9. parent is unfit to provide medical care to your child
  10. Sexual violence
  11. Violent behaviours and emotional abuse 
  12. Substance abuse 

There are potentially other grounds as well but you should make sure you remain alert and cautions in case you see behaviours that resemble what we’ve listed above.

How child custody lawyers can help you!

No matter the custody challenges you are facing during or after your separation, a good custody lawyer can help you in many ways.

You can benefit from sound legal advice in the following situations:

  1. You want to negotiate a parenting plan or a custody arrangement
  2. You want legal advice with respect to child custody laws in Quebec
  3. You want to know your rights and obligations for a given situation
  4. You want to have the court establish a child custody order for the first time
  5. You want to modify or change certain terms of a child custody judgment
  6. You just want the advice of someone knowledgeable in custody-related matters 

Getting into a child custody battle without knowing the rules of the game and understanding how the family courts work can put you in a significant disadvantage.

Let a child custody lawyer become your voice and advocate for your rights and that of your children both in and out of court.

Should you wish to speak with our child custody lawyer, it will be our pleasure to provide you with legal advice and support! Contact us whenever you are ready!